Holliday’s first card out is The Lovers - linked to the zodiac sign Gemini, and a strong indicator of twins. As her partner Harry is also a twin, this card suggests there could be more doubles to come in Holliday’s future. But this is also a card of finding a missing half, that completes us, and makes a relationship so loving and lasting. This passionate card is as exciting as it is intriguing, especially if linked to number “6”.
Card Two is Judgement, a card of big decisions up ahead. This can be a second chances card, revisiting a role Holliday deeply regretted missing out on. This time, she may discover her views have changed, and she’s happy to move on to pastures new. Perhaps towards a career sideline linked to law, music, or both.
Five of Water
Finally, I draw the Five of Water, symbol of taking charge, with kindness and understanding. This strategy can break an emotional or creative stalemate. A gift, or legacy, linked to Holliday’s birth can also be indicated.