Dawn’s caring side is reflected in card one, the Empress. She founded Choose Love, a charity supporting refugees, and this card of nurturing confirms Dawn needs an outlet like this for her own wellbeing. She lost her mother when she was a small child, and the Empress is also a deep symbol of maternal feelings, and fulfilling these in other aspects of life, as well as her own family.
Ace of Air
The Ace of Air is Dawn’s second card, a lightning strike of creative genius. Dawn’s writing career can go from strength to strength and a shock story idea that comes to her in an instant flash can be the one that grips the world, leading to a movie collaboration with a stand-out, ground-breaking “A” director.
Lastly, I draw the Hermit, a card of time away from the world, and the space to explore inner feelings. Islands and remote locations are important, as places for Dawn to reconnect and recharge.